Upper Kindergarten

A child in UKG at Little Kidz is prepared to clear introduction sessions at all formal schools as well immense effort is focussed on the development of below mentioned key areas:
Complete knowledge of writing an English language sentence, paragraph comprehension, stories, introduction to grammar etc. is completed in UKG class. This helps your child to score better grades under a formal school learning experience.
Little Kidz focuses a lot on public speaking and inculcating a habit among children to respond well to questions asked by family and friends. We emphasise a lot on stage activities, Mike time, circle time activities, picture talk and exhibitions to improve the habit of public speaking in a child.
This program covers the development of pre-mathematical skills related to comparison, sorting, matching, ordering, sequencing and counting.
Immense effort is focussed on writing cursive, capital, letters and sentences in UKG. Writing opens the gateway to learning for any child, the sooner a child learns to write properly, the quicker the child will be able to grasp English, Math and Science concepts.
Also, our program enhances the development of physical control, mobility, awareness of space and skills in indoor and outdoor games.
Age: 5-6 years